Parent Involvement Policy » Parent Involvement Policy

Parent Involvement Policy

Welcome to our Title I Parent Involvement Policy page. This page contains three important documents to Title I schools.

These items are part of the puzzle to breaking down barriers for children of Title I Families who face multiple obstacles and challenges across their academic career.

The first documentis the District’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy.  It is available in full and summarized formats below.

The second documentis our School’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy.  This document is approved by our School Site Council, comprised of school staff and parents.  It is available in English and Spanish below.

The third documentis our School’s Compactthat aligns to our Parent Involvement Policy and how we work together as a school, parents, and students as we move towards academic achievement.  This document is also approved by our School Site Council, comprised of school staff and parents.  It is available in English and Spanish below.

LAUSD Parent Involvement Policy

"The District Title I Parent Involvement Policy (Attachment A) was developed jointly with and approved by parents of Title I students from representative schools across LAUSD (Attachment B), and adopted by the LAUSD Board of Education on December 11, 2012. It is reviewed by Title I parents in each Educational Service Center (ESC) annually." LAUSD Bulletin-6336.0 (July 22, 2014)


School-level parent and family engagement policy

West Vernon Ave Elementary School has developed a written Title I School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy from parents' input. The policy is developed through Title I Community Meetings, Council Meetings, and Staff Meetings. It has distributed the policy to parents of Title I students. This policy is distributed publicly in the Parent Center and on the school website. The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy requirements [20 USC 6318 Section 1118(c)-(f) inclusive].

School Home Compact 2021-2022

This compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the state’s high standards.